macro-; macro *10 3500 ; macro [ 1000 ; macro=; if ( ( ntax < 1 ) || !( isfile taggedtre.out ) ) if ( !( isfile taggedtre.out ) ) quote ...; quote OOOPS -- file taggedtre.out not found! ; quote ...; else quote ...; quote OOOPS -- you have not read the data set! ; quote ...; end errmsg this script processes results produced by the script --it shows the bremer supports for each group in the consensus, for each partition, in a friendly way. Before running this script, you have to run, place all the resulting files in the current folder, read the data set (make sure you make space for long taxon names), and call this script.; end goto = %0 ; clb ; warn - ; txts 1500 ; keep 0 ; p taggedtre.out ; lquote[ ; var : choice[(2*root+1)] blonu ins[400] outs[400] tmp[400] blonu treenu ; loop 1 1 set blonu 0 ; loop root nnodes[0] set choice[#2] 0 ; stop opendlg 20 20 420 220 Select ... ; frame 20 30 180 80 Plot supports for all NODES ... ; spin 0 nblocks blonu 30 50 170 22 BLOCK nr. ; frame 220 30 180 80 Plot supports for all BLOCKS ... ; spin 0 ntrees treenu 230 50 170 22 on tree nr. ; nodsel choice 230 80 120 22 ; closedlg ; if ( !exstatus ) endloop ; end clb ; loop root nnodes[0] if ( !'choice[#2]' ) continue ; end quote ----------------&10SUPPORTS (FROM EACH BLOCK) FOR GROUP NR. #2 ; set ins $$ttag>( #2; loop 1 nblocks set outs $$ins<,; set tmp $$ins>,; set ins $$tmp ; if ( isinstring [ $outs ? ] ) quote Block #3: irrelevant ; else if ( isinstring [ $outs 0 ] ) quote Block #3: indifferent ; else if ( isinstring [ $outs + ] ) quote Block #3: support ($outs) ; else quote Block #3: CONTRADICT ($outs) ; end end end stop stop if ( 'blonu' ) loop root nnodes[0] if ( ( #2 == root ) || ( anc [ 0 #2 ] == root ) ) ttag <#2 ; continue ; end set ins $$ttag>( #2; loop 1 'blonu' set outs $$ins<,; set tmp $$ins>,; set ins $$tmp ; stop ttag < #2 ; ttag +#2 $outs; stop goto TAGGIT 'blonu' ; ttag ; ttag - ; keep 0 ; p taggedtre.out ; setloop 1 ; end stop view :SUPPORTS; proc/; label TAGGIT ; quote *---------------- SUPPORTS (FOR EACH GROUP) FROM BLOCK NR. %1 (press ENTER to continue viewing, ESC to interrupt); proc/;