macro= ; if ( !argnumber ) cls ; errmsg This macro repeats the xmult command, fusing with previous results every time. You must give arguments: 1 - data file to run [2] - time of previous run (starts again) ; end p %1 ; pt hosts ; rseed 0 ; var: besL thisL runtim addtime ; set besL 10000000000 ; log peep ; ; if ( argnumber < 2 ) set addtime 0 ; system rm -f scores^ else set addtime %2 ; end quote STARTING TO SEARCH FROM 'addtime' secs. ; report +300 ; report-; loop 1 10000 rseed * ; xmult = keep nofuse ; if ( ( #1 > 1 ) || ( 'addtime' > 0 ) ) sho bestsofar.ctf ; end tfuse = rounds 3 ; best ; tchoose / ; set thisL length[0] ; if ( 'thisL' < 'besL' ) tsave bestsofar.ctf ; save ; tsave / ; set besL 'thisL' ; end set runtim time + 'addtime' ; log/; log + scores ; quote AFTER FUSING, BEST SCORE 'besL' ( 'runtim' secs.) ; log/; log + peep ; stop proc/;